They forgot about bofa . They are the only planets
Since categorizing something as a planet means nothing then traditionalist is the only way to go. If Mercury is in the same category as Jupiter and a sudden orbit change can mean a thing might no longer be called a planet then there is no scientific value in calling things planets. They are just traditional names given to fairly random objects like constellations.
I would personally categorize everything with a high enough gravity as a planet, i.e. everything that can hold an atmosphere or sth.
So, expansive then.
…the highlighted bodies under Lunar are wrong. Charon isn’t a moon it’s a dwarf planet in its own right. The barycenter of it’s orbit isn’t inside Pluto. Pluto and Charon are binary dwarf planets not a planet moon pair.
Am I missing something, or are the images for “Traditionalist” and “Modern” swapped?
Did they fix it? I currently see Pluto highlighted in Traditionalist and not in Modern.
I believe in the freedom of information, and to that end, enjoy this rare XKCD misprint
Yup, they did. Cool.
I think you’re right.
No the comic is correct. Pluto is not considered a planet anymore.
Pluto is highlighted on Modern and is not highlighted on Traditionalist.
Ah i see. Thank you. I had to zoom in to see that.
All those who wander are planets.
I cannot respect people who call Pluto a planet on internet forums whenever this topic comes up. Not because I agree with NASA, think their definition is perfect, or think those people just cling to nostalgia and hate change, no.
I cannot respect them because Pluto does not care and trying to white knight perceived attacks against it will not impress it, those people are just being pathetic.
You are wrong. Pluto is hot shit and knows it.
Wrong. Pluto is actually one of the coldest bodies in the solar system at an average of -232c
Pluto won’t fuck you bro.
Since they are both dogs, even though Goofy is anthropomorphic, Pluto and Goofy could technically procreate.
Do with this knowledge as you seem fit…
While I’m jaded and cynical enough to not be moved by anything anymore and I have already heard that information, I’m somehow still disgusted that you invoked rule 34 here of all places.
I aim to please o7
It’s not white knighting a planet. I’m literally from where it was discovered. I went on field trips to Lowell Observatory as a kid. Fuck all y’all who won’t accept my planet.
All dwarf planets are planets. Don’t discriminate.
only pluto is a planet, I am spiteful
Love it, especially the alt text.
Who put all this color in my XKCD?
It’s only a planet if we could walk on it. What would the name for that one be?
That’s messed up.
Empiricist is a very solid take tbf
Simplistic was basically the original proposal for a planet before it was highjacked on the last day of the convention by a bunch of scientists with an axe to grind.
I’m partial to Tom Cardy’s view: Pluto isn’t a planet, but that doesn’t matter because it’s still hot shit.
I’m partial to the simplistic view: big enough to be round, not big enough to fuse hydrogen
Technically tiny amounts of Hydrogen fusion will happen in the gas giants.
I’m sure there’s a sensible line to be drawn somewhere
Since people have fused hydrogen on earth, I choose to believe it’s not a real planet
I’ve been in the Expansive camp for a while.