Petrified fucking terror. That’s the first thing you think when you look at Labour. A barely-concealed, buttoned-up, can’t-sleep-at-night anxiety, lurking just behind the eyes. They’re scared they’ll fluff it. They’re scared that in the white heat of the election campaign, the Tories will find some policy in their manifesto to weaponise against them and the whole thing will come crashing down.

    1 year ago

    If labour win with a large majority proportional representation

    If Labour win with a large majority, and I quote, “Now is not the time to be making radical changes to our parliament what we need is three to four full term parliament’s with which to improve the country under a Labour government”… they’ll kick it into the long grass.

    They are no fans of PR if it means a majority. Neither are the Tories. And round and round we go!