Yes, Sinatra too. He is obsessed by the 60/70s first rock music (the real kind, not the fake stuff of the 50s) and he’s stuck there.
You know what’s worse? He is listening on a regular basis to singers he hates because they wrote their own songs. Having pure principles is more important that liking something. Yep, he’s fucked up in his head somehow.
Can’t deny that there’s a really big difference between late 60s rock and 40/50 rock, though - it’s not really wrong to consider it a new genre, even if it appropriates the name of the older genre.
Yes, Sinatra too. He is obsessed by the 60/70s first rock music (the real kind, not the fake stuff of the 50s) and he’s stuck there.
You know what’s worse? He is listening on a regular basis to singers he hates because they wrote their own songs. Having pure principles is more important that liking something. Yep, he’s fucked up in his head somehow.
60/70s first rock music? Rock is a 1940s/50s genre if we are looking for its origins.
Can’t deny that there’s a really big difference between late 60s rock and 40/50 rock, though - it’s not really wrong to consider it a new genre, even if it appropriates the name of the older genre.
That’s a shame, he’s cutting off his ears to spite his brain. Ah well.