Musk probably watched Stewart’s conservative show interview appearances over on YouTube, dating back to his first stint on the daily show. They couldn’t trip Stewart. He rolled over all of them. The interviews stopped, again, surprising no one.
Jon Stewart single-handedly got CNN’s “Crossfire” ( featuring a not-yet-fully-crazy Tucker Carlson) cancelled just by going on the show and doing his thing.
In the final exchange before a commercial break, Carlson remarked that he thought Stewart was “more fun on your show, just my opinion.” Stewart responded, “You know what’s interesting, though? You’re as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.”
“Look, I’m not suggesting you aren’t a smart guy, because those things are not easy to tie. But the thing is, you’re doing theatre, when you should be doing debate. It’s not honest… what you do is partisan hackery.”
There is a direct line between GWB and Trump. The lies of the Bush administration and it’s denigration of the “reality-based community” laid the groundwork for Donald Trump’s Big Lies. if Al Gore won in 2000, I doubt we would have Trump today. Ron Suskind wrote all about it in the NYT back then. This article about the article is not behind their paywall:
The aide said that guys like me [Suskind] were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
i watched that crossfire interview when it first aired and i think it’s telling that stewart & the daily show et al. are still the primary vanguard of american liberalism when the rest of the world has changed; especially so when they solely focus on stoking the culture war fires and ignoring the class war that creates them.
Musk probably watched Stewart’s conservative show interview appearances over on YouTube, dating back to his first stint on the daily show. They couldn’t trip Stewart. He rolled over all of them. The interviews stopped, again, surprising no one.
Jon Stewart single-handedly got CNN’s “Crossfire” ( featuring a not-yet-fully-crazy Tucker Carlson) cancelled just by going on the show and doing his thing.'s_2004_appearance_on_Crossfire
(Shit, that was over 20 years ago. I’m old …)
Carlson never recovered from that bowtie burn
Jon Stewart on Crossfire
And so savage was the mockery that he never wore a bowtie again.
Bro, around 10:50 Jon made a statement he would later regret:
“In terms of the absurdity of this group, they’re going to be hard to top.”
Regarding the Bush administration.
To be fair, he was responsible for the deaths of 4 million people, yet is better remembered for fucking up a proverb. That’s pretty absurd.
There is a direct line between GWB and Trump. The lies of the Bush administration and it’s denigration of the “reality-based community” laid the groundwork for Donald Trump’s Big Lies. if Al Gore won in 2000, I doubt we would have Trump today. Ron Suskind wrote all about it in the NYT back then. This article about the article is not behind their paywall:
That was Carlsons “rejected from art school” moment.
What do you think Krasnov’s “rejected from Art School” moment was?
That white house correspondent’s dinner where Obama joked at his expense.
From all the information I’ve been able to gather, all signs seem to point toward “being born”
Seriously, he ruined that dude’s trademark fashion statement. Lol. Tucker is a snowflake confirmed.
Bowties would become cool again six years later, but Carlson never would.
When he yelled “that went great!” It probably sealed the deal.
Right? Makes you feel old, doesn’t it?
Elon can’t handle it so he ducked out. In addition, Tesla probably texted him and said don’t.
His cybertruck sent him a message saying “this is an uphill battle. I cannot help, you’re on your own”
And then caught fire.
And then locked it’s doors to make sure any witnesses were dead.
I suspect everyone knows better than to tell him not to do it. That’s likely as anything to make him decide he will do it.
But they also know if they don’t press the issue, Musk will always flake on any thing like this.
I don’t know how my mother convinced me to watch Crossfire. I was a kid. She thought it was intellectually awesome.
EDIT: To be clear, I don’t remember anything about Crossfire.
i watched that crossfire interview when it first aired and i think it’s telling that stewart & the daily show et al. are still the primary vanguard of american liberalism when the rest of the world has changed; especially so when they solely focus on stoking the culture war fires and ignoring the class war that creates them.