Armed Forces Will Receive More Than 1700 UAVs From the Army of Drones Project
Yana Sliemzina - 28 September 2023

Ukrainian Defence Forces received 1740 drones within the project Army of Drones. These are the drones manufactured by Ukrainian and foreign companies.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation reported about this on their Telegram channel.

“Army will receive support – [we’re] sending “birds” from Ukrainian manufacturers and drones that are a part of NATO arsenal. Vampire UAVs, Phoenix drones, Avenger and Leleka drones, and hundreds of other UAVs will become eyes and weapons for our heroes,” the Ministry’s message says.

“Army of Drones” is a shared project of the General Staff, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, and the State Special Communications Service of Ukraine. The project conducts systematic procurement, repairs, and replacement of the drones and organizes pilot training.

The American actor who played Luke Skywalker started supporting Ukraine and the Army of Drones project earlier. Gemini, Ukrainian Railways, and the Army of Drones launched a charity in which the money people pay for a specific tea traveling via Ukrainian trains will go to UAV procurement for the AFU.