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I did, actually 😅
My northern town can’t even afford to rebuild the broken down ill-repair buildings it already has and London are building them to tear them down, even if they went off plan they could be fined instead of spending more by pulling it all down. What a waste.
“London” didn’t build these, a developer did. That developer cut a lot of corners and so now there is the very valid question of how many more were cut that we just can’t see. Structural integrity is in doubt and so these buildings cannot be deemed safe.
Fines are just seen as a cost of business by some people so this tear-down-and-rebuild-properly consequence is the only thing that will make them finally start to play by the rules.
Maybe be thankful that your northern town doesn’t have shysters with money signs in their eyes looking to fleece the locals eh.
What a waste. Although considering the amount of corner cutting on the building’s appearance and features, I’m not sure I’d trust the structural integrity either.
The apartments are occupied too so demolishing them is could leave people homeless.
I would hope lessons will be learned from this, plenty more rogue developments could slip through if we are ever going to ramp up house building to the needed levels without proper oversight.
I don’t know anything about planning / building, but does the planning office not inspect sites periodically to make sure the plans are being followed?
only one in 10 council planning departments are fully staffed, with 13% operating with fewer than three-quarters of posts filled
80% [of local authorities] reporting they did not have enough officers to carry out their workload
long-term cuts to funding have had a visible impact on planning departments’ ability to retain staff… there has been a 43% fall in resources to the planning system from local authorities since 2009-10.
A fun game of spot the difference, but apparently there’s more going on that you can’t see – eg the planned underground carpark just not being built at all, and them building a carpark over the garden instead.
I mean, the missing car part should have been obvious from the day the foundations went in…
In general agreement though, it looks like they cut a lot of corners from the original application. Should have been flagged sooner though.