This is a piece of mine from 17 years ago. If you didn’t see this coming, I really don’t know what to say. Blame ErsatzCoalButter for me going through the archives.
It’s one of those things that aged really well.
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2025 - 2007 = 18, actually.
It’s kind of crazy remembering 1) horrible Bush was, 2) how much better Bush was than the current administration in retrospect.
The point about the conspiricists now toeing the Republican party line was prescient.
Good article, thanks for sharing.
Ah, but it was November, so you can’t round up.
Oh! I missed that! For some reason I thought it was Feb 11 not Nov 2
I use ISO 8601 format on my devices (truncating the century) to avoid ambiguity. Today is 25.02.21.