The announcement comes the same day a White House official told NBC News that President Donald Trump would be attending the game.

    1 month ago

    I mean I am all for ending racism, but if we are being honest with ourselves the little “end racism” banner wasn’t doing shit for race relations lol.

    Spending time with people outside your bubble is always good even if it’s uncomfortable at first. There are countless records of racist white guys joining the army and leaving with a different perspective on the different races. People raised by racists who then went and spent time being shot at and laughing next to people they had been told were somehow different than them simply because of their skin pigmentation. Many people came back from military service with friends of all nationalities.

    Anyway the whole “End racism” banner feels a lot like the “gun free zone” signs. The people who are going to read the sign and listen to it are probably already following those instructions. The people who are going to ignore it and continue on their way weren’t going to read it in the first place.