What is this, an '80s G.I.Joe advert?
And I just know my parents wouldn’t get it for me… and then I’d go over to some rich friend’s house and they would have it and every other toy in the commercial too…
My friend Adrian had ALL the M.A.S.K. toys! And I only had the motorcycle helicopter!!
I also only had the motorcycle helicopter! Screw Adrian!
I had Firefly (lame) and Piranha (okay).
My friend Marc had all of them as well.
Fuckin Marc…
If it has a catapult and arresting gear, why not call it an aircraft carrier?
the amphibious part?
Usually I think that means they have the big door in back to deploy amphibious vehicles, but I didn’t see it this one has that or not.
“Chinaa… whatchu up to?”
“… Nothing”
“… What?”
Did Winnie the Pooh watch Mortal Engines too many times?
Sounds just like a thing that works at first at specially prepared landfall location and terrain, but soon the hull is so stressed out that it will never drive on land again and will continue as a very expensive shitty aircraft carrier.
I guess you learn from the best when you want to kill the rest…
Those weren’t the best, or is that the point?