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I think this shoots something a little more potent than a wood plug…
The guy she tells you not to worry about…
For you
“I could kill a building with this thing”
You could. This type of gun is not intended primarily for use against people (although this particular gun might be modified to serve the role of a sniper rifle). It’s for shooting aircraft and lightly armored vehicles. By that I don’t mean cars; I mean armored personnel carriers. The bullets would go right through a building’s walls.
I can’t quickly find a photo of this gun’s 12.7 mm bullet doing its thing, but here’s what the very similar American 50 cal bullet does to six-inch-thick concrete:
I want one.
Edit: what I really want is one of those 20mm rifles that can take AA rounds. That’d be fucking sick. Just point it at something and boom! It’s not a problem anymore!
Edit 2: the reason why I like obscenely high-caliber rifles is because it’s fascinating to see all the different configurations that militaries have tried in an attempt to make a mobile, “hand-held” rifle capable of firing such a huge bullet without destroying the user’s shoulder in the process.
Shoulder? Have you seen the power of recoilless weapons?
If they weren’t recoilless, the person firing them wouldn’t have a torso hahahahaha
Bitches love cannons.
Thinking of that girl cop in Vampire Hunter D. That rifle she has.
Seras Victoria is from Hellsing, and that’s a 30mm anti tank rifle, a weapon that (as far as I know) doesn’t exist. Even the bigger antitank rifles only went to 20mm.
Hellsing has the cop sniper with the mega cannon I think.
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Wow, I think that’s a modified DShK, which entered service in 1938. It’s not a museum piece - these guns are still in widespread use.
Similar role and similar longevity to the M2 machine gun.
What’s its name? Nobody has a gun like that and doesn’t give it a name.
Shooty McShootyface
Meh, derivative.
That looks heavy.
The tactical vans are a great touch. I’ve got a pair and they’re great shoes.
We still let COD players quickscope
- Activision probably
That thing afkomst looks like a LLM made up a machine gun
The “bad-day-alizer”. When “more dakka” doesn’t make whatever you’re aiming at stop twitching.