• sweng@programming.dev
      8 months ago

      Yes, you keep repeating how you don’t accept secondary sources. What you don’t repeat (or even mention once) is why you distegard these sources.


        • sweng@programming.dev
          8 months ago

          Yes, exactly. You repeated that you don’t accept secondary sources. We agree on that. You also keep repeating that you repeated that, which is also true. You are very good at repeating these things. What you still haven’t said even once is your argument for dismissing all these sources.

          Feel free to link to a primary source showing your argument, and not just “trust me bro, I said it already”. But also, you already said bye, so I’m not sure why you keep coming back? Is that also something you like repeating?

            • sweng@programming.dev
              8 months ago
              1. I have provided sources
              2. You have stated you don’t accept those sources
              3. You have not made an argument for why the sources are wrong.

              Apparently I misunderstood you, and thought you said you had repeatedly told me why the sources are wrong. I asked for a link to where you made the argument, but now you countered with not being able to prove a negative, i.e. you are saying you never gave an argument. Apologies for misunderstanding.

              This brings me back to asking you to provide an argument regarding the sources, since you are the one claiming they are unreliable.

              Sorry again that I misunderstood you, and hopefully this brings us back on track. I’m also sorry I misunderstood that you were done with the discussion when you said “bye”. I can only assume you meant something else now.

                • sweng@programming.dev
                  8 months ago

                  I’m saying that what your sources claim has never been stated by Russia, and none of these sources actually link to anything ever stated by Russia.

                  Yes, that is a claim you make. It is up to you to support that claim that you are making. That is how discussions generally work.

                  1. I make a claim
                  2. I provide sources for said claim
                  3. You refute the sources
                  4. You provide an argument for why the sources should not be believed.

                  Step 4 is what is missing, unless you count “because I say so” as a valid argument.

                  It would be easy to take a source, look at e.g. a quote in the source, it’s attribution and source, and then check if such a person in fact did make such a claim. If e.g. an article claim person X working for ministry Y made a pressrelease on date Z, but that person is know to work somewhere else, and no press release was made at all that day, then it’s easy to disprove the source. That is how you discuss. Not just “sure, you provided a source, but not the source I wanted, so therefore I will ignore it”. That kind of argumentation is not the least bit productive