• david@feddit.uk
    4 months ago

    Imagine the Brexit referendum never happening. Imagine the funding cuts stopping a decade ago. Imagine the Department of Health not cancelling its pandemic preparedness programme before covid struck. Imagine still having the right to walk in the street to protest against climate change or still having the right to tell the whole truth in your trial for protesting.

    Imagine Teresa May never being prime minister or never being home secretary or using government money to have vans drive round London saying “Immigrants go home”.

    Imagine Boris Johnson never being Prime Minister and Ed Milliband being sensitive and sensible the night before the Queen mourned alone instead of partying against his own covid regulations.

    Imagine Liz Truss never having been Prime Minister, that there was no Trussonimics, mortgage payments didn’t explode and inflation didn’t jump to levels last seen in the 80s (after the Conservatives had promised to fix inflation then made it far, far worse).

    Imagine Rishi Sunak never being Prime Minister and somehow turning a thumping majority in the house of commons into a weak-willed premiership that let the loony right wing drive the policy agenda for the nation whilst voting against cabinet decisions with impunity.

    Imagine a country that had been invested in instead of sucked dry.