Who’s winning at life this week? Do you have a discount code for Greggs? Found some hedge porn?

What’s happening that’s making you smile?

  • juniper@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I hope we’re all having a good week so far. I’ve got £20 on my Nectar card after an Argos purchase, that’s definitely a win.

    Other things that have made me smile this week include my peace lily putting out two bracts and finding a hoverfly larva wiggling around on my back after a walk yesterday - which I subsequently took outside to a bush. On that walk I met a lovely puppy in the park, his name was Tucker. This morning I found an affectionately named Cucmber spider in the bathroom which I also subsequently took outside to a bush. I’m sensing a theme this week! This is your reminder to look out for and appreciate the small things - unless you have arachnophobia.

  • TeaHands@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Last week I thought I’d lost an entire video project due to a combo of my laptop overheating in the ridiculous weather and acting funny, and then my editing software just…actually I still have no explanation for what it did but it was bad.

    After multiple days of trying increasingly arcane suggestions from the internet and manually editing backup files of things, I’m happy to report the project is recovered!

    Of course, it’s due to go out on YouTube tonight so I have like 5 hours to finish editing the whole thing (why am I on Lemmy?), but still, I’m just so relieved to not have to start completely from scratch!

    Also this will sound bad but the other half is off on a trip to Spain with his friends on Saturday and I’m already SO looking forward to just having the whole house to make a mess of for 3.5 days 😂