After the (temporary) defederation announcement of earlier i checked the Lemmy repo to see if there was already a ticket on the federation limiting option like Mastodon’s that people mentioned Lemmy doesn’t yet have. Not only i didn’t find it, i also saw that there’s about 200+ open tickets of variable importance. Also saw that it’s maintained mostly by the two main devs, the difference in commits between them and even the next contributors is vast. This is normal and in other circumstances it’d grow organically, but considering the huge influx of users lately, which will likely take months to slow down, they just don’t have the same time to invest on this, and many things risk being neglected. I’m a sysadmin, haven’t coded anything big in at least a decade and a half beyond small helper scripts in Bash or Python, and haven’t ever touched Rust, so can’t help there, but maybe some of you Rust aficionados can give some time to help essentially all of Lemmy. The same can be said of Kbin of course, although that’s PHP, and there is exacerbated by it being just the single dev.
Thank you so much. This is a terrific insight. A little later I’m going to sit down at my PC and type something up I think will help.
I’d ask you as a fellow ADHDer ✊ if I forget to please remind me to write up my response 😂
EDIT: Response now posted here
I’m a programmer of 25+ years. Everything written above is spot on. I too started with C and I still love that thing like my first born. It is so immensely satisfying writing something in C that a) works b) doesn’t leak memory and c) passes all your unit tests. Nothing else compares.
I too looked at React and hated it with a passion. Then I saw VueJS and kind of liked it. Then I saw Nuxt and now I’ve gone all in on NuxtJS. It is so simple and well-thought out compared to the shambles that is React. It’s very satisfying to use. Rust is next for me.
I’ve learnt well over 10 languages over the years. Some well, some well enough. Learning a language is bit like reading a book. If you’re a third of the way in and it’s doing nothing for you, don’t waste your time. Grab another one off the shelf and try that. Don’t put pressure on yourself - it should be enjoyable, not stressful. Just chip away at it bit by bit and enjoy the little discoveries.
Don’t worry so much about your coding style. From the examples you gave, yours is much easier to follow than the second one. And, you know what? Most ‘senior programmers’ I’ve worked with have been bad coders. The bar is not as high as it may appear.
Sounds like you’re currently a systems guy with a bit of programming skills. That’s an awesome combination to have, and mirrors my own all those years ago. The best bit is your have the freedom to learn programming as a hobby, without the pressure. Enjoy the process. Watch some videos by Sebastian Lague on Youtube, they’re magical.
Best of luck with your programming journey. It is an immensely enjoyable hobby, and ridiculously useful skill to have.