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  • TxzK@lemmy.zip
    8 months ago

    Yeah, because the West is also committing a genocide, that means your genocide is ok. Both are doing genocides. Torturing and raping hundreds if thousands of Uyghurs, forcing them to abandon their culture, forced birth control, forced labour, forced sterilisation and prosecution without any legal process isn’t just combating ETIM terrorists. That’s same level of BS argument Israel is using while flattening entire Gaza and saying they’re only combating Hamas terrorists.

    “The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Muslim countries in general are against the western propaganda about it”

    Because they’re corrupt shitheads? They don’t give shit about human rights either, they see more profit from supporting China same way the west sees more profit supporting Israel.


    And you can’t say Amnesty International is Western propaganda because they’re very critical of Israel and it’s genocide as well.