I’d like to take my RSS feeds from an aggregator of news to a curated selection of interesting things. Interesting newsletters and blogs are where I think RSS shines, but I struggle to find this content.
What do you do to find these kinds of RSS feeds?
I’ve been posting articles that I find interesting that I think other people might enjoy over on my instance at @news I try to stay away from political posting because subreddits quickly became echo chambers with politics and I don’t want to deal with that lol.
I say come on over and check out the stuff I’m posting, if you find it interesting… I believe most of the sources I am posting have RSS feeds you can subscribe to.
Also as a follow up @amitten, turns out you can take a kbin magazine and turn it into a RSS feed. So technically you can subscribe to my news magazine from my instance with this: https://fediverse.boo/rss?magazine=news